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Project news

ant gprs moored news 100The GPRS buoy  serves for the data and command exchange between the mooring and a user via Internet. Also with the Aqulog profiler can be used the radio buoy which transmits the observational data and telemetry information from the mooring to the coastal station. In return, it receives commands from the coastal station.

acc com news 100The Aqualog Profiler can accommodate a hydroacoustic Benthos ATM modem to transmit the data and the telemetric information. Data is transferred real-time to the subsurface flotation by using inductive modems. Then the tether transmits the information from the subsurface flotation to the surface buoy.

soft top 100The proprietary Aqualog software allows the user to establish an automatic operation algorithm (start time and interval of profiles, working depths, sampling frequency, etc.) in line with the modern adaptive sampling approach to ocean observations.
